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In the 1960’s Mr Erick Erickson stated that ‘The only thing that can save us as a species is seeing how we are not
thinking about future generations in the way that we live.’  For me, over 40 years on, this statement is so true. We need to change the way we think and we need to change what we do for our survival. This is the only way that we can preserve our species, our amazing planet and shape the world.

Today wherever you look and whatever you may read or view, the words “stay home” are at the forefront. From hashtags to social distancing, across all media channels, all social platforms there is one thing in common. A clear message to ‘stay home’. By doing so we are not only saving so many lives,  we are supporting our masked hero’s, the individuals that are working on the front line to get us through this period of time.

Medical experts, scientists and governments are asking populations to assist them in this worldwide fight by staying home.  The whole world is going through one of the most global challenging times. Nations are dropping everything and giving only one focus. Locking down whole cities and countries. But without the support of their people countries can not win this fight. Everyone, me and you, must acknowledge this moment in time and this request to ‘stay home’ as a serious matter. Corona virus is bringing countries to their knees.

As a global nation of people we need to see this moment as a way to start a new chapter in our life. It may not be the chapter we expected but it is here being written now. We have to do the right thing in order to save our
generation and the people whom we love and to also be able to write the next chapter in our history, which will state that we survived, that we made it through and that we made positive changes as we moved to the future.

Staying home is challenging at first. For me it is so unnatural to be inside. But the outcome is much greater if we all listen to what we are being asked to do. Companies have started working from home and it is changing the way we think about the future in all industries. Families are making  schedules for home schooling, chores they have meant to do and keep putting off, meal times and family entertainment.

Instead of scrolling many people are talking on social platforms to family and friends. In  a survey last week related to video and audio internet conference calls, it found that people are socializing more through these mediums than ever before.  Our normal daily life has changed and instead of conversing face to face we chat via a screen face to face. This I believe will change our perspective of how we interact with family and friends in the future and will hopefully we will be more in the here and now and not in our phones! I certainly feel that this is a positive as it is great that we have been brought together to be social, to interact with one another and not just our screens and to take time to talk to our family and friends.

Then I  started to think about what we will do after this period of captivity. There is an old saying ‘too much of anything is good for nothing’. Many of us will have been locked down at home at best for a few weeks and for many a few months. I am sure that whilst we will have spent more quality time with family than ever before, had time to do things we have always said ‘we needed time to do’, started new hobbies, read books, watched films, we will be tired of not being able to wander, to explore, to discover outside the walls of our homes.  Maybe this time of restriction is also a good time to  think about what you will do after this is all over. How you will spend your time when everything is open. Are you going to go to the top of the world to shout and scream? Will you go somewhere to find white sandy beaches and lose yourself in the warmth of the sun. Will you take yourself on a journey to distant shores or just enjoy the freedom of being able to explore your reclaimed freedom locally?

Currently there is evidence to suggest that many will want to stay local enjoying ‘staycations’ whilst for others the plan will be to travel far and wide on a budget and for a longer duration.  Where ever you may decide to travel I wish you hope and happiness.

I know both myself and my colleagues are looking forward to the day when we can welcome you with arms wide open and hearts full of love. But in the meantime we are happy to share our knowledge and photographs, check out our Facebook and Instagram page and be inspired. I hope that by doing so we keep your memories of previous holidays alive and we assist in planning your future travels.

Stay home and stay safe.
