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Secret Paradise Maldives may be an award winning tour company, but we appreciate that it is the experience of our fantastic guests who have traveled with us that really tells the story of what it is like to join one of our guided tours.

Read on to hear about the experience from Janet, one of our guests who traveled with us on our Conservation Cruise in March 2023.

Cruising the azure waters of the Maldives is an enviable way to experience the idyllic “dessert island paradise” and joining the Secret Paradise Conservation Cruise provides you with an immersive and unrivaled insight into the challenges the marine ecosystem is facing.

The 7-night conservation cruise encompasses the core sustainable elements that Secret Paradise is known for and adds the unique expertise of key marine NGO’s providing an unparalleled insight into the impacts human greed are having on the environment as a whole and the ripple effect that is now evidenced within the fragile ecosystem of the Maldivian archipelago.


The impact of global warming is being felt the world over, but more so in the low-lying island nation of the Maldives which has some of the richest marine biodiversity in the world. Your Secret Paradise tour leader, supported by experts from NGO’s Save the Beach and The Maldives Whale Shark Research Program provide captivating educational information on the environmental issues that are being faced, before providing enviable opportunities to witness first hand plight of the local ecosystem. Topics include, rising water temperature, coral bleaching, silt suffocation, sea grass destruction, physical injury issues to marine life by ghost nets, plastic, boat propellers, and over eager tourists, plus there are opportunities to explore local islands and participate in traditional customs. All this whilst offering the unique experiences that are synonymous to the Maldives, such as pristine white sandbanks, turquoise lagoons, stunning sunsets and unforgettable bucket list views of the abundant marine life that lies within the shimmering waters.


You are guided throughout the trip, from the moment you arrive at the airport, until you return to it. All the Secret Paradise tour leaders are locals, they guide you on and off boats, in the water, on the islands and more, ensuring you are looked after at all points of your voyage. The tour leaders, the experts from the NGO’s and the boat captains have a wealth of knowledge to impart and an obvious passion for the environment. Nothing is too much trouble, so even those with mobility challenges or those who are timid within the water will be supported allowing you to gain the most from your trip, and experience true Maldivian hospitality.


The cruise delivers a totally different insight into the Maldives way of life, and the challenges climate change and tourism development are having on the economy and the environment, both above and below the ocean surface. Whilst cruising across endless expanses of blue where sea and sky mesh together, you encounter numerous bucket list opportunities; watch dolphins play amid white crested waves, snorkel with mantas and whale sharks (season permitting), swim among coral reefs teaming with a myriad of vibrant fish, moray eels, turtles, rays and sharks.

You are guided through your unforgettable under water experiences by passionate experts, who are as equally at home in the water as they are above it, ensuring that even the most novice snorkeler will finish the cruise far more water confident, and everyone will have an appreciation for the wonders of the underwater environment that is immeasurable.


The impact of tourism can be witnessed above the surface by the developments such as concrete structures which reach well above the tree level, disrupting the skyline as they accommodate an ever-growing demand for tourist beds. New resort islands are created, and existing local harbours shored up to protect against the resulting change in tidal currents and rise in sea levels. All developments can result in huge amounts of displaced sand and silt which finds its way to the coral reefs, effectively suffocating them.

Through Save the Beach, a local NGO founded in 2007, you will learn about the coral reefs, how coral bleaching has affected them, the impact silt deposits have on them and what the NGO is doing to mitigate this. You will gain an insight into how the reefs are monitored, how conservation areas are instigated and maintained, why coral relocation programs are so important and how new developments can affect the natural dynamics of the tidal currents on sand movements against both the land and the reefs that surround them.

The informative on board presentations are continued in the water, where you have the opportunity to snorkel among coral nurseries to witness the different coral frames, and see which fish are attracted at different stages of their growth, plus explore more expansive coral areas where your eagle eyed water guides will point out sea life that an untrained eye may miss such as lobsters hiding in crevasses, and octopuses moulded onto rocks.

You will also be shown sea grass meadows and lean how important they are within the ecosystem, Sea grass can absorb significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere whilst providing food for turtles and habitats for young fish, plus it prevents beach erosion. These attributes are often overlooked, with sea grass in danger of becoming another casualty of developments as this subterranean tree is often viewed as an unsightly nuisance by tourist establishments, even though they are often the reason for the issue. Sea grass can be disturbed and cut by speedboat propellers causing it to wash up on the otherwise pristine white sandy beaches. Secret Paradise is a staunch supporter of the Maldives Resilient Reefs se agrass campaign, to raise awareness of this, as in some areas it has virtually disappeared.


The cruise progresses across the seemingly everlasting expanses of blue hues, to the South Ari Atoll, an area known for whale sharks, whilst the representative from The Maldives Whale Shark Research Program provides an information briefing on these elusive creatures of the deep and just how much there is yet to learn about the “gentle giants”.

Little is known about the life cycle, migration patterns or where the whale sharks actually go to breed, as tracking via tags is complex and costly due to the depths that the shark dive to. The Maldives is one of three places in world where whale sharks can always be found, with the majority sighted in the Maldives being teenagers. More research is needed to understand where they come from and where they move on to, which is why the data collected from both the research program and sightings from safari boats, divers, excursion boats, and fisherman throughout the archipelago is so important.

Once everyone is briefed, the boat embarks on a search for the elusive mammals. Whale sharks are identified by their distinctive marking pattern by the fins which are akin to a fingerprint. Sightings are reported to the team and data collected. If a whale shark is not in the data base, then the eagle-eyed finder can name the shark. Data is collected on the sharks themselves, and on the actions of the ever-growing hordes of boats, and the amount of over eager tourists they are crammed with, many blissfully unaware of the environmental implications of their actions. If whale sharks are sighted, they are often easy to recognise, not by their distinctive markings, but by the injury’s they sport, often caused by boat propellers.

The cruise offers two opportunities to search for the sharks and undertake data collection activities. Once the data collection element is completed, the captain navigates away from the crowds, to search for a chance to swim with a shark without causing it distress. The expertise of the captain and crew usually yield results (not guaranteed) allowing all aboard to experience snorkelling with them at close (safe) quarters. The added advantage of having a dedicated guide and whale shark expert aboard means there are at least 3 experienced and extremely competent in water guides, which means those who are less confident in the water can be helped into a position to witness the shark themselves, an enviable advantage.


The cruise includes the opportunity to explore both inhabited and non-inhabited islands, providing the chance to experience local customs such as Hedhika, the Maldivian equivalent of afternoon tea, join in a beach clean up and be rewarded by a beach BBQ under the stars. At Dhigurah, you are guided through the islands to see traditional coral block walls and walk through the forest where fauna and flora such as moringa trees, sea almonds, bananas, coconuts, local shrubs are pointed out, until you reach one of the longest sandbars in the Maldives.

As the boats sails back towards Hulhumale, the last island stop provides an opportunity to see some of the small cottage industry type activities undertaken on local islands, before returning aboard to a be treated to an authentic Maldivian type feast complete with a traditional bodu beru music performance that provides a fitting climax to the cultural element of the trip

Secret Paradise have focused on the sustainable aspect of tourism since 2012 and have been a strong advocate for protection of the environment and local culture. They have evolved to become a leading example of sustainable tourism within the Maldives curating an immersive selection of experiences that provide the more conscious traveler with a truly authentic Maldivian experience that has a positive effect on the local economy.

People form the shape of a heart on the beach.


This 8 day marine life conservation cruise is the latest edition to their trip portfolio. Heightening awareness of the challenges the marine biosphere is facing, discussing what can be done to to help safeguard this fragile environment for future generations and allowing travelers to make a positive impact on their holiday destination.

Huge thanks to the Secret Paradise team, our tour leaders, UB, Bebe, Kamey and of course Captain Shafee and the Felicity crew for making it a truly memorable week.

Is this a trip for you? Further information and booking options can be found here.